Archer Mayor – Mystery Writer/Death Investigator

Archer Mayor Mystery Writer

A former detective, EMT, firefighter, and ski patroller, Archer Mayor is currently a death investigator for Vermont’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. He loosely bases his highly acclaimed crime series, featuring detective Joe Gunther, on field experience.

The Chicago Tribune describes his novels as “the best police procedurals being written in America,” and The New York Times calls Mayor “the bossman on procedures” and “one of the most sophisticated stylists in the genre”.

What Some of the Other Mystery Writers Are Saying!

“As a longtime fan of Archer Mayor, and Gunther, I say Bravo, and keep them coming!”
– Louise Penny

“I once asked my wife who her favorite mystery author was and she said Archer Mayor… I’m not sure our marriage has recovered.”  – Craig Johnson

“ When readers ask me who I read, who I admire, who I try to pattern myself after as a writer, I point to Archer Mayor. His Joe Gunther novels use wrenchingly perfect police procedurals to chronicle contemporary small town life in all its beauty and decay.” – Julia Spencer-Fleming


Celebrating 33 years of Joe Gunther mysteries with Crosscut!
Now available on Amazon.

Marked Man Reviews

From the NY Journal of Books


Some readers might spot the true killer early, but the rest of us will be surprised by whodunit, revealed almost at the last page. The effect is a satisfying intellectual mystery. The kudos the author has received over the years remain valid for this latest offering. There’s nothing series readers like more than a new episode about great characters from a reliable, informative, masterful writer!

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