The Underwater Underside of Vermont – Criminal Element
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“Mayor expertly intertwines murder with a view of life off the beaten path. This long-running series continues to impress.” More…

“[A] fine police procedural, one with a heartrending backstory within its crystal-clear narrative.” More…

“A body is recovered from the frigid Connecticut River, part of a great view of Vermont winters in which the tale takes place. Mayor knows his Vermont weather and writes eloquently about it in his down-to-earth, practical and procedural prose. He spent 25 years as a firefighter/EMT and knows his material cold (sorry about that). Things sneak up quietly. Connections come to light when least expected. Embezzlers, thieves and murderers are suddenly pounced upon. And the clarity of a bomber’s moon reveals all.” More…

“The book is a delightfully intricate Venn diagram of circles neatly intersecting circles. It’s not manipulative, but one becomes more intrigued as the pattern emerges. The characters are interesting especially as not everyone is as they seem, and a new friendship evolves which one hopes to see continue. Bomber’s Moon is a very good book, brilliantly plotted. Even the ending was a perfect reflection of the characters.” More…

“Bomber’s Moon delivers action and adventure, passion and compassion, philosophy and pathos, deft characterization across diverse personalities and backgrounds, description of place so spot-on you’ll feel you’re standing in each scene, with a dollop of sex and romance.” More…

“Another crackerjack police procedural from Mayor, this one is rich in chilling scenery and precise technical details. Despite its necessary economies, Vermont takes law enforcement seriously, and fans will appreciate the introduction of FARO (3D Measurement, Imaging & Realization technology) into a mix of technological tools, which, together with Gunther’s crime-solving prowess, make for an absorbing read.” More…

“Mayor skillfully weaves together the various plot strands as they converge on a dramatic confrontation between Joe and a killer.” More…

“As a stylist, Mayor is one of those meticulous construction workers who are fascinated by the way things function. He’s the boss man on procedures.”

“Mayor is not given to gimmicks and manipulation. There are flashier writers, but few deliver such well-rounded novels of such consistent high quality.”

“Archer Mayor’s Vermont police procedurals are the best thing going…”

“The Skeleton’s Knee “one of the best ten mystery books of the year”

“One of the most sophisticated stylists in the genre.”

“Among the best cop stories being written today.”

“It’s hard to imagine a more likable thief than Mayor’s Tag Man-or, for that matter, a more companionable lawman than the time-and-trouble-tested Sage of Brattleboro.”

“Richly drawn characters and a delightful sense of place are hallmarks of Mayors’s superb procedurals, and they are both in evidence in this fine addition to the series.”

Thomas Gaughan
— Booklist“Mayor writes an intelligent mystery. His characters are real, the things that happen to them are logical, and the plot is believable. It’s a pleasure to find a story that captures readers’ attention, makes them care about the characters — and offers such dark chills.”